shiobi Publicado 7 de diciembre del 2018 Denunciar Publicado 7 de diciembre del 2018 [ RENDERING ] – Fixed graphics regression that caused smoke and molotov particle effects to appear fully transparent. – Fixed client crash on startup on Intel GPUs. – New users now default to Borderless Windowed mode. [ GAMEPLAY ] – Fixed ‘self-boost’ movement regression. – Fixed players not respawning on round restart if they were in the middle of jumping up onto a platform that would force them to duck. – Fixed bullet penetration damage regression. – Fixed molotov not detonating in mid air in non DZ modes. [ CS:GODZ ] – The winner of the match now watches their victory from the perspective of the runner up. – In duo and trio matches teammates are now notified with an onscreen alert if one of them dies. – Adjusted–and added volume slider for–winner music. – Recent Teammates now shows teammates from Danger Zone matches. – Players searching count now shows correct number of people searching for Danger Zone matches. Fuente
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